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Dear members of the Kyiv Club!

Based on the decision of the Kyiv Club online summit held on June 30th, 2021, the Kyiv CCI has started preparing the release of the special illustrated digest of the Club “BUSINESS PANORAMA OF THE KYIV CLUB”.

The digest will be devoted to the activities of all members of our Club and will reveal the point of view on the development of the chamber movement in the world and in our countries, the development of trade and economic relations between our countries.

The material to be posted in the digest can be in the form of an interview with the President of your Chamber or in the form of an article about the activities of your Chamber and the promotion of business development and international business relations.

The digest format should be A4. The total volume of your material should be up to 7000 characters with white spaces - (1 digest double-page spread/2 pages). The language of the materials is English. Circulation - 5000 copies.

The digest will be distributed among partner Chambers - members of the Kyiv Club, as well as among the embassies and representatives of the business circles of our countries, government bodies and businesses.

Photo requirements:

For information about the activities of your Chamber, we need up to 3 photos - of the leader of the Chamber (a member of the Club) and it can also be a photo of the Chamber team, building and illustrative material about your country. Photos must be 500 dpi minimum, photo size - 2000 Mb minimum. The photo should contain a description of who (or what) is depicted on it.

After layout, the material will be sent to you for agreement and approval.

Indicative questions for publication:

-First name and surname of the Chamber leader, full name of the Chamber, year of the Chamber establishment?

-How many companies are members of your Chamber?

- What role did your Chamber play in the past and what role does your Chamber play now in the country?

- What are the main economic trends taking place today in the business environment of your country?

-What areas of activity are developing by your Chamber today?

- What areas of economics are represented by the members of your Chamber?

- What areas of trade and economic relations, in your opinion, can/will be developed between our countries, members of the Club?

- The past year 2020 and 2021 turned out to be difficult for business in all countries of the world due to the COVID19 pandemic. Small and medium-sized businesses suffered the most. What support is given to them?

- What exchange of experience between the chambers - members of the Club, as well as between member companies of the chambers of commerce and industry of our countries can be carried out, in your opinion, in the near future?

- A few words - wishes to the readers of the digest - business representatives of the countries - members of the Club.

We kindly ask you to show a contact person, e-mail address and phone number of a person with whom the editor-in-chief can correspond and approve materials.

If we did not take into account something or you want to add or change the questions, we will be grateful for your help.

Please send all materials for publication to the name of the editor-in-chief of the digest - Natali Kopetska-Denga,  +380 96 201 19 27

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