
Digitalization today is amongst the key factors for the economic growth of Ukraine. Especially acute demand for e-services the business felt within "Corona crisis" the year 2020, as quarantine restrictions embarrassed business processes. In these circumstances, the Parliament had to provide fastly the laws to regulate e-services associated matters. Thus, considering the modern development trends and social demand, on August 06, 2021, the president of Ukraine has approved the Law "On Peculiarities of Public (Electronic Public) Services" (the Law of Ukraine No. 1689-IX), passed by the Verkhovna Rada on July 15, 2021

Bilateral trade and economic relations between Bulgaria and Ukraine have demonstrated continuous positive development in recent years. Confirmation of their sustainable nature is the minimal drop in our trade in 2020, even after the changes that have occurred aroundthe world as a result of the Covid pandemic. The volume of our mutual trade is growing, and aside of the dominance of several main categories, the list of goods is becoming increasingly diverse.
«Our team is doing its best to ensure that a foreign investor feels confident, protected and could work fruitfully on its business project in Ukraine», - the Head and founder of the group of companies GESTORIA UKRAINE, Оlena Leshchynska tells us during our meeting

There are many successful and active businesses in Ukraine. But it has never been heard about the creation of own Ukrainian cosmetic brand. We are talking about creating a complete process from the idea to the organization of production and the cultivation own components. Taras TARASEVYCH, the commercial director of the REMOS company, told how high-quality eco-products can be created in modern Ukrainian realities

Kseniya Malukova has combined talents, she is a businesswoman and a collector of vintage national Ukrainian clothing. For several years she has been managing a formalwear store for men and women that provides premium tuxedos and evening gowns. Her regular clients know that in her welcoming store you can create unique and fashionable looks which will make you a star of any party
Association Agreement between the European Union and Ukraine, namely a part thereof on deep and comprehensive free trade, in force since January 1, 2016 made it possible to create proper conditions for rapid growth of export, as well as to minimize the our country’s losses caused by reduction of its cooperation with CIS countries. Growth of the export of our products started notably in year 2017. It made 43.3 billion USD, and exceeded the same of 2016 in 19%. By the results of 2018, the total export of Ukraine made 47.3 billion US dollars, in 9.2% higher if compared to the same in the year 2017.